How to get your baby into modeling
If you think your baby is ready to start into modeling than we can help you. First step you need some good pictures. Than you need to...

Your Agency need compcards/set-cards to send to their clients. This is important! Yes - these days it goes also digital but you need them...

Height & Body Tpye:
For men you need to be 6 feet and for women, 5´9 tall. But you sitll have a chance to get into commercial modeling! If you are 5´6 it is...

Learn to do your own make up. Sometimes there is no make-up artist at the runway show or photo shoot. It is always good that you learn...

Most important thing:
The most important thing is: good pictures! If you dont´have the best picture - than it will be very difficult to get a job, or a good...

How to send an email/message
6 Steps to send emails/messages: 1.Start Your Email with a Greeting Beeing polite is very importand in businees So you are probably...

You like to know how to organize a Fashion Show ?
Get in contact with us and you can apply to get all the Information you need about how to organize a Fashion Show. this can be done in...

Know your measurements and …
Take and know your measurements and stats. These will helpyour model management, modeling agenciesto place you for the right job. Basic...

Portfolio Photography
Portfolio Shooting - Buche einen Tag / 8 Stunden: 1 Tag/8 Stunden - Photo shooting, 5 unterschiedlichen outfits, 5 hair-stylings, 5...

Photo shooting für Models. Runway & Model Coach London, Basel, Zürich, Stuttgart ...
Dein Model Coach und runway Trainer für deine Modenschau. 32 Stunden runway training, inklusive Photo Shooting mit Make-up Artist, 3...