Never use ...
If you are doing a portfolio shooting please don´t use baggy cloth. Baggy cloth makes it very diffult to get a nice picture, because you...

Neck and shoulder position
Posing tips form modeling school London Posing: You always like to look your best. Keep keep in mind, when you stay to the side and you...

photo shoot with kids / teens
Keep in mind, the mood of a child can quickly change. They are not adults and you have to keep up with them and the modd of the children....

When you do a photo shoot with children or teenager - please keep it fresh, relaxed and authentic. This are kids and should lookand pose...

Follow instructions!
Follow instructions! This is so important. If you are unable to follow instructions than you are in the wrong Business! It all starts...

Read before...
Please read before signing any contract on the dotted line. If you've impressed your management, photograph or agency enough to get an...

Anyone can walk the runway but a good walk requires practise and perseverance. Mastering the various aspects of body language, posing,...

Practice your make-up
Always confirm whether or not there will be a make-up artist on your photo shoot or fashion show. Please look through fashion magazines...

Organistion skills
Have great organisational skills to keep track of your schedules and finances. Often as not, especially within freelance modelling,...