Posing tips
Posing tips When you are posing in front of the camera you have to remember: When you are getting closer to the camera and the...

How to get your baby into modeling
If you think your baby is ready to start into modeling than we can help you. First step you need some good pictures. Than you need to...

You don´t know how to start?
You like to be a model and you don´t know where and how to start ? contact us and order our 60 page model - management advice. You learn...

Please have a great attitude and be professional, patient and pleasant to work with. Photo shoots can last for couple of hours or ...

Be able to ...
Be able to take rejection and constructive criticism. Don´t take cristicism personal. Modelling is highly competitive. Sometimes you...

Read before...
Please read before signing any contract on the dotted line. If you've impressed your management, photograph or agency enough to get an...

Anyone can walk the runway but a good walk requires practise and perseverance. Mastering the various aspects of body language, posing,...

Practice your make-up
Always confirm whether or not there will be a make-up artist on your photo shoot or fashion show. Please look through fashion magazines...

Be professional and ...
Be professional,fun, not moody, polite, and courteous. Please - always show up on time to any appointment or shoot. If you're late...

Organistion skills
Have great organisational skills to keep track of your schedules and finances. Often as not, especially within freelance modelling,...